Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Letter To Heaven...

When I was fifteen years old, my beloved grandmother passed away. During her years on earth, she fiercely loved us all and was the matriarch of our family. Grandma held us all together and made us better and stronger. She talked to God like he was her friend and prayed for me all of my life. I could not imagine a world without her in it. As Grandma slowly slipped away, my mother and aunt held her and comforted her and hovered by her bedside. I watched in horror as the reality of death stole her from us. I wrote this piece after Grandma died... imagining the sorrow of a daughter burying her mother.


When you left here, Mother,
did you feel my hand on yours?

Were you afraid to leave us?
Or was there warm light waiting for you?

Did you see God's face when you arrived... and...
were you escorted by angels
on the journey from our world to His?

Have you seen your loved ones, Mother?
Are they there with you?
Is the pain gone... and ...
are there tears there in Heaven?

Do you see us?
Can you know how we miss you still?

What is it like there, Mother?
Does it ever rain?
Are there rainbows?

Is the sun always shining?
Is there ever darkness?

Can you talk with Jesus face to face?
Can you touch His hands?

Is there music in Heaven, Mother?
What do souls look like?

Do you have wings... and ...
are there really pearly gates?

Have you seen the Book of Life?
Are there children in Heaven?

May you stand
before the throne
of Almighty God?

When you heard Him call your name,
did you pause to glance our way
one last time?
... Or, did you go swiftly ahead, Mother,
reaching for the Eternal Light,
the Maker whom you knew so well?

1 comment:

  1. I really like how this poem is full of questions--all the questions we want answered when we lose someone we love.
